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Math might be your passion, but you simply don't know it yet ... or believe it. Join us for some straight talk about math, math education, and how the best-intentioned teachers are turning you off to the subject.

Math Resources

The Department of Skill Mathematics
Free online courses and other kinds of learning resources for mathematics... from arithmetic to calculus.

Math Matters
One of the key problems with American math education is that it tends to be ten miles wide and less than an inch deep, The  Math Matters series of courses at Free-Ed.Net works the other way 'round -- an inch wide and a mile deep. Most suitable for individual, lifelong learning.

PreAlgebra  ver. 4.1
This is by far the most popular math course available at Free-Ed.Net. And it is the second most popular course of all.

Math Blog @ Free-Ed.Net
Notes, observations, tips and hints, stories, guidance, and commentary on the meaning of mathematics and the roles it is playing (or not) in the 21st century cultures.


Learning Journals

A learning journal is a document you create that demonstrates your learning progress and clearly verifies the level of your achievement.

Check  out the Learning Journal site to gain an appreciate the role of learning journals for studies at Free-Ed.Net and presentations for  college admissions and employment interviews.


David L. Heiserman, Editor

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All Rights Reserved

Revised: June 06, 2015