Chapter 2Integers
2-7 Multiplying Signed Integers
When you complete the work for this section, you should be able to: - Demonstrate a mastery of the procedures for multiplying signed integers.
The basic procedure for multiplying integers is identical to multiplying whole-number values. The only significant difference is dealing with the + and signs that are assigned to the integer values.

Terminology for the multiplication of signed integers.
Procedure Preview Multiplying Signed Integers The procedure for multiplying signed integers is: - Step 1: Multiply the absolute value of the factors.
- Step 2: Give the appropriate sign to the product:
- Positive if the both factors have the same sign.
- Negative if the factors have opposite signs.
Note: Zero has no sign. | |
Multiplying Integers Having the Same Sign
Procedure When the factors have the same signboth positive or both negativethe product is always positive. So: - Multiply the two factors, disregarding the signs.
- Show the product as a positive integer.
Multiplying integers having the same sign.
Notice that:
When the signs of the two factors are the same, the product is positive.
Example 1
Problem (+ 5) x (+ 2) = __ | |
Procedure | |
- Multiply the absolute value of the terms.
| | + 5 | x | +2 | = 10 |
- Assign the appropriate sign to the product.
| Signs are the same, so the sign of the product is +: +10 |
Solution (+ 5) x (+ 2) = ( +10) Or you might this example expressed more simply as 5 x 2 = 10, which looks exactly like multiplication for whole numbers. | |
Example 2
Problem ( 8) x ( 3) = ___ | |
Procedure | |
- Multiply the absolute value of the terms.
| | 8 | x | 3 | = 24 |
- Assign the appropriate sign to the product.
| Signs are identical, so the signof the product is +: +24 |
Solution ( 8) x ( 3) = ( +24) Or you might see it expressed more simply as 8 x 3 = 24. | |
Examples and Exercises #1
Multiplying Integers Having the Same Sign Use these interactive examples and exercises to strengthen your understanding and build your skills: | |
Multiplying Integers Having Opposite Signs
Procedure When the factors have the opposite signone is positive an the other is negativethe product is always negative. So: - Multiply the factors, disregarding the signs.
- Show the product as a negative integer.
Multiplying integers having opposite signs.
Notice that:
When the signs of the two factors are different, the product is negative.
Example 3
Problem ( 7) x ( + 2) = ___ | |
Procedure | |
- Multiply the absolute value of the terms.
| | 7 | x | +2 | = 14 |
- Assign the appropriate sign to the product.
| Signs are opposite, so the sign of the product is : 14 |
Solution ( 7) x ( + 2) = ( 14) Or you might express this answer more simply as 7 x 2 = 14 | |
Examples and Exercises #2
Multiplying Integers That Have Opposite Signs Use these interactive examples and exercises to strengthen your understanding and build your skills: | |
Lesson Summary
To multiply integers that have the same sign (both positive or both negative):
- Multiply the two factors, disregarding the signs.
- Show the product as a positive integer.
To multiply integers that have opposite signs:
- Multiply the factors., disregarding the signs.
- Show the product as a negative integer.
Examples and Exercises
Multiplying Signed Integers These examples and exercises will show you that you've mastered the whole idea of multiplying signed integers. | |