Chapter 5Powers, Exponents, and Roots
5-9 Working with Engineering Notataion
The only significant difference between working with engineering notation and scientific notation is the normalized form use for presenting the values and showing the results.
Recall Engineering notation is properly expressed (normalized) when there is: - Between 1 and 3 digits to the left of the decimal point in the coefficient
- The exponent is 0 or a multiple of 3.
Multiplying and Dividing with Engineering Notation
Procedures To multiply values expressed in engineering notation - Multiply the coefficients
- Add the exponents
- If necessary, normalize the result for engineering notation
To divide expressed in engineering notation - Divide the coefficients
- Subtract the exponents
- If necessary, normalize the result for engineering notation
Examples & Exercises
Multiplying and Dividing with Engineering Notation Express your answer with the proper engineering notation. | |
Adding and Subtracting with Engineering Notation
In principle, the procedures for adding and subtracting terms expressed in engineering notation are no different from the same operation in any sort of power-of-10 notation. The only difference is that the solution should be presented in the normalized engineering format.
Just a Reminder |
Procedure To add or subtract values expressed in scientific notation - Adjust to produce identical exponents, if necessary
- Add or subtract the coefficients, as designated
- Attach the common power of ten
- Normalize for scientific notation, if necessary
Examples & Exercises
Adding and Subtracting with Engineering Notation Use these interactive Examples & Exercises to strengthen your understanding and build your skills: | |