Chapter 10Data, Statistics, and Probability
10-2 Statistics
This lesson is currently under development.
Topics Covered in this Lesson - Introduction to Statistics
- Average Values
- Median Values
- Mode Values
Average Values
Definition The average, or arithmetic mean, of a group of numbers is the center point of all those number values. | Notes - Average and arithmetic mean are simply two different terms for the same thing.
- Arithmetic mean is pronounced as ar-ith-MET-ik, and not as ar-ITH-me-tik.
- Arithmetic mean is often spoken more simply as the mean.
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Procedure To find the average, or arithmetic mean, of a set of numbers: - Add the given values
- Divide the sum by the number of values.
Examples of Calculating Averages
Examples and Exercises
Determine the average, or mean, value of the set of numbers shown here. - Show all you work on a sheet of paper.
- Continue the exercises until you can work them without making mistakes.
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Data is not always presented in purely numerical form.
| Consider the bar graph shown here. You can see five units labeled A through G. Their value range from 2 to 6. What is the average value? A | 2 | B | 3 | C | 5 | D | 6 | E | 6 | Sum | 22 | | Average = 22/5 = 4.4 | |
| What is the mean temperature as indicated on this graph? 60 | 50 | 70 | 70 | 70 | 80 | 50 | 40 | 50 | 60 | | Points = 10 Sum = 660 Average = 660/10 66°C | |
The statistical mean (or average) is supposed to provide some insight into ....
If the average annual temperature in a certain city is 48°F, you have a pretty good idea what the temperatures are like -- even if the local temperature might drop below 0°F a couple of nights in the winter and above 110°F for a few days in the summer. The average value tells you nothing about extreme temperatures -- only that all the cold days, hot days, and everything in between averages out to 48°F.
One of the major shortfalls of the arithmetic mean is that a single, really crazy out-of-bounds value can have a significant impact on
In order for a group of fives students to qualify for an important scholastic competition, their group average on a qualifying exam must be at least 85%. If four of those students have scores of 75%, 72%, 80%, and 85%. What must the fifth student score in order to achieve the necessary group average.
Referring to the equation for arithmetic mean:
- = 85 The desired group averages
- X1, x2, x3, x4 = 75, 72, 80, 85 The values that are known
- n = 5 The total number of grades in the group
- x5 = The unknown value; the minimum grade the fifth student must attain.
Substituting these values into the equation for the mean:
85 = | 75 + 72 + 80 + 85 + x5 |
5 |
Solving for the needed grade, x5
85(5) – (75 + 72 + 80 + 85) = x5
x5 = 425 - 312 =
Median Values
Definition The median value is the exact middle value of a set of numbers. |
Procedure To find the median value of a set of numbers: When there is an odd number of values, - Arrange the numbers in numerical order.
- Find the value in the middle of the list.
That value is the median value | Odd number of values | When there is an even number of values, - Arrange the numbers in numerical order.
- Locate the two middle numbers in the list.
- Find the average of those two middle values.
That is the median value | Even number of value | |
Examples and Exercises
Determine the median value for data having an odd number of values. - Show all you work on a sheet of paper.
- Continue the exercises until you can work them without making mistakes.
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Examples and Exercises
Determine the median value for data having an even number of values. Round the result to the nearest 10th (1 decimal place), - Show all you work on a sheet of paper.
- Continue the exercises until you can work them without making mistakes.
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Consider the bar graph shown here. You can see five units labeled A through G. Their value range from 2 to 6. What is the median value? The bars are already arranged in order of increasing values. It should be clear that item C is the middle value -- 5 | |
| What is the median temperature as indicated on this graph? The data, as presented on the graph, does not show the temperatures in sequence. So it is necessary to build a table that does show the values in sequence: | 40 | | 50 | | 50 | | 50 | | 60 | | 60 | | 70 | | 70 | | 70 | | 80 | | | Then locate the values in the exact middle of the list. The value is 60. The median temperature is 60°C |
The Mode
Definition The mode value is the value that occurs the largest number of times. |
1. Determine the mode for this set of data:
The value 12 occurs more often than any other. So it is the mode.
2. Determine the mode for this set of data:
There is no mode value.
Important: When there are no repeated values, there simply is no mode. THE MODE IS NOT ZERO! See the next example. |
3.Determine the mode for this set of data:
The value 0 occurs four times, so the mode is zero.
4. Determine the mode for the following set of data:
There are two mode values -- 1 and 3
- The four examples shown above demonstrate the following facts about the mode:
- The mode is the value (or values) that occurs most often in a set of data.
- When all values occur the same number of times, there is no mode value.
- When there are two or more values that occur the same number of times, each is a mode.
Examples and Exercises
Consider the bar graph shown here. You can see five units labeled A through G. Their value range from 2 to 6. What is the mode? Visual inspection shows that items D and E have identical values. There are no identical units, so the median value is 6. | |
| What is the mode of the temperatures shown on this graph? Arranging the values in sequence helps locate multiple instances of the same values by visual inspection. | 40 | | 50 | | 50 | | 50 | | 60 | | 60 | | 70 | | 70 | | 70 | | 80 | | | You can see that 50 and 70 occur three times, 60 occurs two times, and the other values only once. So there are two modes: 50°C and 70°C. |